Hannes Becker
Hannes Becker, born in Frankfurt am Main in 1982, studied Modern German Literature, American Studies and History in Berlin and Creative Writing in Leipzig. He has translated plays and poems by Pamela Carter, Caryl Churchill, Lucy Kirkwood, Matthew Lopez, Charles Reznikoff and Rosmarie Waldrop, among others. He has written radio plays, plays and short stories. Most recently, his radio play Die Symptome von Ingolstadt (tr. The Symptoms of Ingolstadt) was broadcast by BR2 in 2018, his play Theater der Nacht (tr. Theater of the Night) was performed at the LICHTHOF Theater Hamburg in 2019, both directed by Henri Hüster. As one of 12 authors, he was involved in the radio play Mein hohles Herz singt Lieder der Versammlung, which was nominated for the ARD Radio Play Prize in 2020. He is a member of Drama Panorama: Forum for Translation and Theater, the Association of Playwrights (VTheA) and the theaterautor:innen-netzwerk in the ensemble-netzwerk.

Photo: Judith Keller